
Secrets & Scandal:

Victorian Saltaire with Pollie

back by popular demand at

Scrivener's Bookshop, Buxton

Thursday 14th November 5.30pm

to book email or call Joanne

07968 095132

Adults £11.00      U18 £9.00

An intimate audience with Pollie:

only 12 seats per show

"An hour of Pollie is just not long enough"

Julie Alexander Buxton Fringe Review

Next Saltaire Tours

Saturday 3rd August 2pm

Saturday 5th October 2pm

Sunday 1st September 2pm

Adults £8, u18 and family concession

To book call

07968 095132

Mamma Mia

Saturday 14th September

(sing-a-long, tra-la-laa, here we go again ... !)

le Booking for Cobbles et Clay

01535 958961

(£30 per head including delightful three course dinner et Lucienne de Ville)

or why not book

your own party cabaret?

Who is Joanne?

I work as a presenter and a singer. You may have come across me via one of my three roles:

Lucienne de Ville chansons and fun adventures: ABBA sing-a-longs and more recently, GREASE!

Pollie Toothill Victorian tour guide and mega-star presenter of featured historical television documentary 'Bradford ... A Fascinating City'.

J&J Projects for Schools Science presenter.

I live in Yorkshire and travel widely in the UK and overseas for my work.

I really love what I do and if you want to find out how I got to this point, just scroll down a bit ...


About me

My background is quite diverse. I've been a Bluecoat Entertainer at Pontin's, a teacher in a Language School in Eastern Europe and worked in a heavy engineering company in Germany which is why I can speak and sing in German!

My singing career began in my early twenties when I toured the Working Men's Clubs, holiday camps and sang at private parties.

I created Lucienne de Ville in 2014. My inspiration came from Lucienne Delyle, a French chanteuse born in Paris in 1900. Like me, she had something of a portfolio career: she was a pharmacist by day.

As Lucienne, I sing in French, German and English, bringing together my love of languages, singing and entertaining.

In 1990 I started work at the University of Bradford. I had a number of roles and eventually became involved in promoting science and engineering at schools in the UK and overseas. Excitingly, this work took me to Botswana, the UAE, the Baltic States and across Europe.

J&J Projects was created in 2015 to continue promoting science and engineering. The scientist behind it is Jack Bradley who is a chartered Mechanical Engineer and we are proud to present real science and real engineering with real engagement and appeal.

Pollie Toothill is another of the characters I play. I am delighted to be one of the professional guides with Saltaire Walks and Talks, founded by the inimitable Maria Glot.

When I joined the Walks and Talks team, a friend and historian, Alan Cattell, researched Pollie Toothill from the census records in the 1870s. As Pollie, I guide visitors around Saltaire and share the village and the mill's history and Pollie's own personal story. Find out more on the Pollie Toothill page and read all about it at the Telegraph and Argus.

I love being Pollie and can relate to her story. The history of Saltaire is really fascinating and I love dressing up in a cloak and long dresses of the 19th century.

J&J Projects 2020 building hovercrafts

I really enjoy having a 'portfolio' career which uses the skills and experience gained

from a childhood of acting at Bradford Playhouse through to representing

Science and Engineering internationally.

I am delighted

to bring together subjects I'm passionate about to

entertain, educate,

create fun and
